17th IDBF World Dragon Boat Racing Championships


Dear Dragon Boat Friends all over the world

20 years after the first IDBF Dragon Boating World Championships in Germany, we are pleased to be hosting another spectacular event in July 2025. The 17th IDBF WDBRC will be an unforgettable experience for all participants and visitors. The technical and logistical conditions on the regatta course at Beetzsee will delight you.

We would like to thank the Mayor of the City of Brandenburg an der Havel, Steffen Scheffel, and the Prime Minister of the State of Brandenburg, Dietmar Woidke, for their valuable support. 

A special thank you goes to the members of the organizing committee and the dedicated helpers who always do their best to make this Dragon Boat Racing World Championship an unforgettable experience.

With this experienced and competent Brandenburg regatta team, we are confident that these championships will be successful. 

Dear friends, welcome to the city of Brandenburg an der Havel, right in the heart of Germany.

Sincerely - yours

Ute Becker-Frenzel

Präsidentin des DDV



Deutscher Drachenboot Verband e.V.

Vogelbeerweg 30

19073 Wittenförden


  • dummy +49 178 5740 689

  • dummy sekretariat@drachenboot.de

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